A Message from Bishop John Macholz

Upstate Update Special Edition

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"May it begin with me, with us, with hope and promise and courage..."

A Message From Bishop John S. Macholz

Three days. Seven deaths. Countless arrests. Growing unrest. Deepening frustration. Endless wondering. Unanswered questions. How did we get to this point? Where are we going? When and how will it end? And how do we get to wherever that is?

In her video released on July 7 Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton encouraged us to 'show up and be present in community and go out from our congregations to be with others' in these troubled times. As I hear that the lyrics from a song from my childhood keep running through my head. It was an anthem of sorts from that time and place that is still relevant today. Some of the lyrics are "You know, we've got to find a way, to bring some understanding here today." Later the song suggests that "we've got to bring some loving here today."

That may seem so simple but to implement it is a great challenge. If we are to move beyond these times and realities it will take much greater understanding. Understanding of who we are as God's children. Understanding that others, created in the image of God, are our sisters and brothers. Understanding that violence only begets violence.  Understanding that in order to understand we need to develop relationships, create friendships and begin to see in all God's children the face and love of the One who calls us toward unity and hope.

What if we took the charge seriously to go out and develop relationships with one another? Began to simply talk and share and offer a hand of hope and openness? What if this Sunday or a Sunday to come each of our congregations encouraged two or three folks to worship not in their home congregation but in another local congregation where we might meet and pray and sing with sisters and brothers in Christ who are different from us in some ways but identical to us in our claim to be sisters and brothers in Christ? Might that begin a conversation, develop new relationships and begin to bring about a renewed understanding?

I don't know but I do know that we have to do something. Something in the name of the One who claims the whole of creation as redeemable. Something in the name of the One who sees beyond color or language or ethnic background or differences small and large. Something in the name of the One who welcomed and welcomes all throughout history and time.

May it begin with me, with us, with hope and promise and courage and the knowledge that, accompanied by the Christ who was crucified and risen for the sake of the world, we can only speak peace and hope and promise celebrating our differences while recognizing the oneness we share as sister and brothers.

"It's time to go out there people." (Elizabeth Eaton) Receive the following words as benediction and possibility; may they be useful in these days and times.

 "Go out into the world in peace. Have courage. Hold to what is good. Return no one evil for evil. Strengthen the faint-hearted, support the weak, help the suffering. Honor all people. Love and serve the Lord rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. And may almighty God, the Father, + Son and Holy Spirit bless you now and forever.



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